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Life Is Not About What You Can Achieve, But What You Become


What is it that you want to become? Do you want to be known by achieving a social status in this world? Does your job define who you are? I am asking all of these questions to make you think for what purpose you are here on earth? For yourself or for another? The cares of this world and the deceitfulness of riches will choke the word, who is Jesus, in your life. This life in Jesus will challenge you at every turn, but the journey makes you ready for what you are called to do.

How you react to everything that comes against you determines whether you grow in the spirit or not. You can be defeated mentality that will keep you where you are, or you can be more than a conquer and defeat your own emotions that will hinder you. Have you prepared your heart for what God has in store for you? God will search for those who’s heart is loyal to Him. Are you prepared, it’s not about what is coming against you, but what God is forming you to become. Are you ready to take on God’s Image? God is Spirit, God is Love and God is Light. If you can’t see these in your life, are you really in His Image? Remember this, God’s Image is Jesus. He came to show us His Image and walk in it.

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Here is an example of how can be challenged and listen to the response done out of love.



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