If you are a disciple of Jesus, you are to go and preach the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand. Men don’t understand this concept. We are all created in the image of Adam and not of God! This is why to operate from the Kingdom you must be born into the Kingdom. First by water unto repentance, then by the spirit from where you enter into the Kingdom. In the video below Jesus tells His didciple to preach the Kingdom of Heaven in Matthew 10:7-8.

As you go and preach the Kingdom, you must learn to live from the Kingdom. Many things of this world will try to keep you living from the Kingdom, but you are to pray that His kingdom will come, His will be done on earth as it is in Heaven.

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Here is a great example of the normal Christian life. Is your life an epistle for all to see?

If you are one who is a believer and still believes that this really doesn’t happen today; you are a unbelieving believer.