I want to wish all those who read these blogs a Merry Christmas. All these blogs I have written just come to me and I write. Some of the blogs may not be grammarly correct, but I just go with what I am told.

I have surrendered my life to Jesus. My life means nothing to me as it belongs to the King. The more you let go of yourself, the more dangerous you are to the kingdom of darkness. In all my experiences, the more you hold on to things, the more the enemy will go after those things. The enemy will always go after what’s most dear to your heart to destroy it. Your love for God must be unconditional.

Your life lived proves what you believe. That is something I keep saying. Your life is an epistle for all to read. Your life lived proves whether you are a believer or not. All the circumstance that you are going through, what matters more? What you went through or Jesus? It’s like the poisonous snake biting the the people of Israel and they were told to look at the serpent on a pole. The circumstances that you are going through, is that more important than Jesus? Are you still focused on Jesus or your circumstances? Imagine if you will, the disciples, what was their lives like before Jesus and then look at their lives after. Their life lived proved what they believed

The grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, and the love of God, and the communion of the Holy Spirit be with you all. Merry Christmas everyone!

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