Ephesians 5:25 Husbands, love your wives, just as Christ also loved the church and gave Himself for her. We as men are to love our wife regardless to what they have done. A great example of this is in the book of Hosea. The Lord told Hosea to marry a harlot. She was unfaithful to Hosea, but Hosea bought her back with 15 pieces of silver and one and a half homers of barley. He bought her back with all he had. Now, when you look at Christ, He is our Husband and He loves His church. Many think it’s the church building where we gather, but the church is of the spirit as God is spirit.

You see today many churches teach that God’s people are sinful. Using the lie as they are still in the flesh. If what they preach is true, then none of you are saved. The devil can do works against you because you believe as long as I am in the flesh, I am sinful. Romans 8:8 So then, those who are in the flesh cannot please God. This is the struggle. Jesus wants His bride to live in the spirit so you can be one with Him. 1 Corinthians 6:17 But he who is joined to the Lord is one spirit with Him. This what Jesus paid for. He gave His life for His bride so His bride can be one with Him. This is the greatest love story ever told, but we don’t hear this story spoken much. He has removed your sins so that you can be one with Him. This is the New Covenant we preach.

As husbands, we are to be a living epistle for all the world to see. Sadly, many have chosen the way of the world as few have chosen the way of God. In my situation, I know the Bible says that I can divorce my wife because of sexual immortality, but my heart says NO! I am to trust the Lord with all my heart. I am a living epistle for all to see and to this, God will be glorified. This is not my will being done, but His.