You will know where you are spiritually with God by how BIG God is i your life. Is He first in everything, or is He a after thought? Are you strong in the Lord and the power of His might before or after the trial comes?

David saw God as bigger than anything life can throw at him. Goliath was a giant, but to David, God is larger. The situations in your life right now, is God greater? If God is not more significant that the situation you are going through, how do you expect Him to intervene? Deuteronomy 7:17 “If you should say in your heart, ‘These nations are greater than I; how can I dispossess them?’—

Sadly, many people tend to treat God as a genie in a bottle. They only call on Him when they need something or when things are not going their way. They want a situation changed, but really have no reverence for Him. This video below will show a modern way of walking with God fighting a battle. Nate was diagnosed with stage 4 terminal cancer. Watch what happens.

Have a Blessed Day my friends