Home Blog What If There Really Is Fake News In The Church?

What If There Really Is Fake News In The Church?

What If There Really Is Fake News In The Church?

FAKE NEWS! Today, we see fake news everywhere. It’s coming from our news outlets, social media sites, politicians, and schools, among other places. It has been called many things such as disinformation, propaganda, spin, manipulation, advertising and even brainwashing. It confuses and divides us. Perhaps the most surprising place that fake news exists is in the church and it all began all the way back to the Fall of Man. I want to show you how the serpent put his own twisted spin on God’s instruction and caused Adam and Eve to disobey Him in the garden. The same devil used the Word of God against Jesus to tempt Him in the desert during His forty day fast. That old dog still uses those tricks in the church today by taking scripture verses out of context to manipulate, confuse, and condemn us. He steals the Word that was just sown in our hearts and causes doubt and unbelief. It seems his main goals are to cause separation between God and man as well as steal our destiny. In this book we will look at things from a different perspective that may cause you to question…Are you really a sinner saved by grace? What about tithing? Do you know what playing the blame game really does to you? Did you know there is more than one voice in the Bible? Is God really that good? And SO much more! I am so tired of seeing the enemy do this over and over to God’s people. Now, I’m calling him on it! That’s what he gets for coming after my own family. I invite you to benefit from my years of study and relationship with the Father has given me.

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