Yesterday while I was at work, I got some emails believing that this website was being hacked. I have learned to at peace and looked to see what had happened. Normally I would get aroused by something like this. I am enjoying sharing all that the Lord has been sharing and working through me. I know this is not the old me, but the new me. There is no possible way i would react the way I did just like I reacted when a man was with my wife.

I went through my website and i noticed that I clicked that people can have a membership here. That is not something I want. I am not here to set up a church, to get people to follow what I am doing. I am here for people to learn and decide for themselves, testing the spirit, to see if what I am sharing is from the Lord. I have had many say that I should be a pastor, but that is not what I am called to do. I am here as an ambassador for Christ. I am here to get people back on the path of Righteousness for His Name sake not to be pastor. I am here to represent the King and show people through the life I live that He is with me and He is working through me. I am not here for accolades, fame, fortune and other things that are this world has to offer. I am here to represent the Kingdom of God. Love you all.

Here is a prophecy I got back in 2018. The Lord gave me a vison that I stood before Him before I came on earth. He affirms this through this lady whom I have never seen before. He says through her, that I AM excited to see you again. Proving to me what He shown me. I am not here for me, but for Him.