This is probably one of the hardest things to do. Your flesh will scream to get back at the person who just did you harm, but if you live from the heart (Spirit), this is actually easy. Paul wrote; Philippians 4:6 Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God; and the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus. Now this doesn’t mean that you agree with everyone, but you go with what your heart tells you.

Let me give you an example. When I was coming home one day from shopping to visit my son and my wife (we are separated), the Lord told me that I am preparing your heart, there is a man with your wife. He was the One who called my wife “your wife.” There was a guy there when I arrived. I had so much peace in that situation that I couldn’t get mad, even if I wanted to. I had so much peace. Now I could be like most Christians. Look to the Bible and because of sexual immorality i can divorce my wife. My heart says no! The enemy was trying to get me to react in the flesh, but there was no way I could. Every time I see my wife, my heart breaks for her as she is on the road of destruction. One thing I have learned is that as long as one holds the covenant, the covenant stands before God. It doesn’t matter if a divorce does come, as long as I stand and not move before God, the covenant will ALWAYS stand. It doesn’t matter what man says, only what God says.

Now there is a great turmoil nowadays regarding a vaccine, which is not a vaccine, it’s gene theory. to take it or not. Myself I will not take it but many have. Everyone will have to answer for the choices we make. I will not condemn anyone who has taken the vaccine as that is not for me to do. I will not repay what is evil with evil. I know something big is coming down the pipe. God wouldn’t have me go through this wilderness without a great reward. I am not looking for fame or riches. My reward is in Heaven. One thing I do know, He told me that it’s going to be good, very good. The only time i see God saying very good is at the end of Genesis 1. I pray that this finds all of you well. Remember. your faith is to be in Jesus Christ and nothing else. Anything else is an idol. Be Blessed friends

One more thing, this reminds me of what happens when you come against the government. Will you bow down and take the vaccine?