Have you ever wondered, why can’t I hear God? Why is God moving in that person’s life and not mine? There are many questions like these being asked all the time and the answer has always been right in front of you but you can’t see it. You have a veil or in todays language, a mask. over your eyes. You are being blinded to the truth and you don’t even know it.

We are to Love God with all our heart, soul, mind and strength. Regardless of what comes against us. This is the Great Awakening! This is what the early church knew. You see this as evidence throughout the New testament. The issue with today’s church is that they have put the 2nd commandment before the first. They have put the Great Commission before loving God. Do you think this pleases Him? You are to go and Love others as God has Loved you. If you haven’t received this first Love, don’t go into the world as you will be going without Him.

This Love that we received from God is to be shared with others. That is why we are to Love our neighbor as ourselves. There are those who say they can’t loves themselves so how can I love others? You would know if you have received the Love of the Father. The enemy has been separating people from God from the beginning. He did it with Adam and Eve and he believes he can do this with you. One of easiest tactics is to convince you that you are a sinner (sin separates). This way when you confess this, you are confessing that you are separate from God. How easy is that for him. When you read the end of Romans 8 where it says that nothing can separate the Love of God from you, do you notice that you are not on that list. You are the only one who can separate yourself from God and satan know this. This worked with Adam and Eve and he does the same too you. Satan tried to do this Job. Take everything away from him and he will curse You. Job will blame You that You have taken what he has away from him. Then the second time satan came against Job, he came against his health. Job still held to his honor and would not accuse God for anything. Have you done this? Are you still doing this? Repent! If it is steal, kill or destroy, it’s NEVER from God so stop blaming Him for something He didn’t do. When you do that, you will actually fall in Love with God even more.

Stop fighting a fight that has already been won. You are the only one who can separate yourself from God. A long time ago He told me that sin separates and Righteousness joins. Those who have received God’s Love (Jesus) can NO longer see themselves as sinners, separate from God. They can only see themselves as the Righteousness of God that is IN Christ Jesus. What I find fascinating is that you don’t even have to pray for people. When God is with you. you don’t even have to try. Your faith IN Jesus does all the work. Remember that Father is no respecter of person. What He does for one, He will do for another no matter who you are. Thought you might enjoy this song that explains some of this.