This title came from the 1976 music hit from the Bellamy Brothers. I find that this is the biggest thing that is lacking in Christianity today, Love. The Love that many are taught is the love of this world and how this world loves. But that is not to be the case with you. The church today is not known for their outrageous love.

When you examine the life of Jesus, He walked in Love that we don’t see much today. The religious people of the day excused Him of eating with tax collectors and sinners. Today that would sound like, why does your teacher eat with witches and warlocks? Why does your teacher hang around with the non-church people? This would really offended so-called Christians today. Many churches are set up like base camps where we protect the base and then try to change the world from the base of the church. Instead, we are to let our light shine in the darkness. You actually have to go into the darkness so your light shines. This light that you have is not you but Christ in you, the hope of Glory. Many in the day of the Apostles burned their spell books as they saw the Power of God. We don’t see the Power of God in many churches today. Is He even there?

When you start walking in the Love of Jesus, rivers of living water will begin to flow from you belly. You wont even have to try to see if it Spirit will flow from you, it will come naturally. Peter walked around and his shadow healed people. The clothes off Paul’s back would heal people and cast out demons. This is something you need to strive for. It comes naturally when you are One with Christ. There are those who try to strive to do this but when the time comes you will say, “Lord, Lord didn’t we do this in your Name,” and He will say “I don’t know you.” So you see that all flows out of your relationship with Jesus and this is satans biggest fear. This is why it is written, “perfect Love casts out fear, as fear deals with torment.”

Attributes of Love. Do you posses all of these? Love is patient. Love is kind. Love is not jealous. Love does not brag. Love is not arrogant. Love does not act disgracefully. Love does not seek its own benefit. Love is not provoked. Love does not keep an account of a wrong suffered. Love does not rejoice in unrighteousness. Love rejoices with the truth. Love keeps every confidence. Love believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things. Love never fails.