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Shall We Play A Game Of Chess

Photo by Tima Miroshnichenko on Pexels.com

Life is like a game of chess. There are moves that come against you to get you to follow a certain plan so you lose, or you see the moves and you react in a different way which baffles your opponent. Let’s look at Jesus. When His cousin John the Baptist had his head cut off, how do you think Jesus should of reacted? If Jesus was like us, He would would have got depressed, complained, sorrowful or reacted in anger. He didn’t! Jesus reacted like the Image of God would react. Reverend Curry Blake best explained how Jesus reacted.

Now look at your life. What moves have come against you? How did you respond to those moves? In what way did you counter those moves? Were you taken in by those moves? The moves that you made, did they bring you closer to God or away from Him? Did you end up breaking a vow that you made to God? Now do you see how the enemy fights you with his moves against you.

In this game of chess, our goal is to checkmate the enemy where he can’t make any moves against you. Any move he makes after this will only continue your growth in the Lord and become more and more, the Image of God. There are very few who walk in the Image of God as they are still in the image of Adam. This Image of God is of the Spirit, not the flesh. There are hidden gems in the scriptures that allude to this. The first one is in the beginning. In Genesis 1, God made man in His Image. He did this before He created man from the dust of the earth. Not many people talk about this, but when God created man in His Image, He created both male and female then. It was out of the flesh that He created female from man. John 4:24 God is Spirit, and those who worship Him must worship in spirit and truth.

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This video will help you in this game of chess. The title is: The most powerful secret on earth! So powerful both Jesus and Satan used it!

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